Pågående arbete 2023


Pågående arbete
”Landscape Singularities” består av 69 små målningar, som var och en tar intryck av omgivande landskaps färger en viss dag. Storlek cirka 27 x 25 cm vardera. Konstverket är nästan färdigt och kommer att ställas ut på Ånge konsthall 2025.


Provosorisk hängning i ateljén.


" 27/6-23"

Modell av Ånge konsthall skala 1:50. De 69 målningarna är inrymda på den 17 meter välvda väggytan.

Work in progress
"Landscape Singularites" consists of 69 small paintings that capture the colors of the surrounding landscape on a given day. Size approx. 27 x 25 cm eatch. The artwork is almost complete and will be exhibited at Ånge Art Gallery in 2025.


Landscape Singularities
 A text by Bernard Gonzalez, English translation Sarah Davey
"A landscape only exists through the eye of the beholder. It is a fragment of space chosen amongst many other options. It exists both through its depth and its limits. The relationship of time to the landscape is only revealed through a series. In Anna Renström's work, the way the work is cut out in an undulating fashion makes the effect of the outline much less significant than in a more conventional format. It suggests no « offscreen » reference ; the spectator has the impression that the work is complete. Moreover, the cut out leads to a certain flexibility in the graphics and composition thus distancing itself from the theory of the Golden ratio. The landscape is evoked more through the choice of colour and their relationships than through the drawing. The singularities are the visual expression which bring together perceptions of light, chromatic values, spatial and thermal impressions. The works are a sort of chromatic barometer that the spectator has to weave into his/her own perceptions. The smaller formats allow for a shorter time lapse between paintings and each work therefore reveals itself as being in synergy with others."







Copyright © Anna Renström